Campus Tour (top)
How do I make an appointment with an Odessa College Outreach Specialist (Recruiter)?
- 您可以通过发送电子邮件来设置预约 recruitment@e2talk.net 附上您的欧亚体育和问题.
Majors (top)
Housing (top)
- 是的,欧亚体育的学生宿舍包括两个设施. Century Commons is an on-campus facility with space for over 200 students and provides an apartment-style living arrangement with private bedroom space for each occupant. Each apartment is fully furnished, and residents share a common living area and kitchen. Students may choose either a four-bedroom/two-bath or two-bedroom/one-bath arrangement based on availability. This is a co-ed facility with each apartment separated by male and female students. Wrangler Hall is a suite style on-campus facility providing space to 26 male students. Each student is housed with one roommate and will share a bathroom with another suite of students. 这个地方通常是留给欧亚体育的竞技运动员的.
Student Life (top)
Admissions (top)
- 不可以,法团没有申请入学的截止日期.
- 法团入学检查表
- Visit with an Outreach Specialist (Recruiter), if you need more information on an OC program.
- 网上申请入学 www.ApplyTexas.org
- 申请经济援助和奖学金
- 细菌性脑膜炎疫苗接种(如适用).
- Official Transcripts from your high school and all colleges previously attended.
我如何申请BAAS项目? (top)
你可以通过德克萨斯州申请网站在线申请 www.applytexas.org. 你需要先填写你的个人资料. 然后选择两年制的大学申请选项. 接下来选择欧亚体育. On the “Select School” screen you will choose “Bachelor of Arts and Applied Sciences” from the dropdown menu. You will then select the BAAS degree program you are interested in on the “Select Major” screen. Those selecting the BAAS in Automation degree program should be aware that it is a competitive entry program.
Once your application has been received you will need to be sure to submit an official copy of your college transcript showing the completion of an associate of applied science degree to Odessa College. This can be sent via an electronic transcript service such as National Student Clearinghouse or Parchment, submitted in person in a sealed envelope coming directly from the educational institution or you can request that it be mailed to the Odessa College Records Office, 西大学大道201号.德克萨斯州敖德萨79764.
Once your application has been processed you will be admitted to Odessa College as a Pre-BAAS student. Now it’s time to visit with your Student Success Coach (Advisor) to continue with the degree planning and registration process.
细菌性脑膜炎 (top)
- 德州教育法典第51条.从1月1日开始, 2014, all first time students and students that have not attended any Texas college or university during the previous long semester(s) (fall and spring) that are under the age of 22 will be required to have the bacterial meningitis vaccination at least 10 days prior to the first day of the semester. Students will not be able to register until proof of vaccination is on file.
Records & Transcripts (top)
- Records Office
- 201 W. 大学大道,敖德萨,得克萨斯州79764
- 是的,欧亚体育可以通过两种方式收到官方成绩单…
- An email from a school representative containing an electronic copy of a transcript can be sent to records@e2talk.net
- Transcripts via a digital credential service such as Parchment, Clearinghouse, etc.
我修了AP课程. 这些考试的学分应该如何发给欧亚体育?
- Students can indicate on the AP test which schools receive their schools. 如果你当时没有选择欧亚体育, you will need to request the AP scores be sent to OC by visiting the College Board website and set up an account. CollegeBoard.org
What is FERPA?
- 1974年《欧亚体育》(FERPA), as amended, establishes requirements regarding the privacy of student records. 一经入读OC, the college will not release student records without the student’s prior written consent.
TSI/Testing (top)
- 德州教育法典第51条.3062(b): An institution of higher education shall assess the academic skills of each entering undergraduate student to determine the student’s readiness to enroll in freshman-level academic coursework. An institution may not use the assessment or the results of the assessment as a condition of admission to the institution.
- TSI Information
- 联系检测中心
金融援助/ FAFSA (top)
Scholarships (top)
- 欧亚体育每年奖励超过500美元,1万英镑的学术奖学金,以表彰学生的学习成绩. 学生可以通过以下途径申请奖学金 AwardSpring. 学生必须在每年春季重新申请下一学年.
- 基金会奖学金
- 学生资助奖学金
Payment Center (top)
- A student may sign up for a payment plan or pay the bill in full. All classes will be dropped after the payment deadline for non-payment.
- 付款的最后期限
- Pay In Full
- Payment Plan
Tuition (top)
Advising (top)
Where can I see a list of what classes are being offered next semester and if the class is being offered online?
- OC allows students to retake any courses they previously made a 'D' or an 'F' in for potential grade replacement. 如果你重修这门课,拿到C或者更好的成绩, 旧的成绩不再计入你的GPA. 注意:以前的成绩将始终显示在您的成绩单上, 它下面只会有“更换等级”字样. 这意味着如果你第一学期的成绩都是f, 下学期再考一遍,拿a, you'll have a 4.平均绩点是0而不是0.0 GPA. However, 如果你重修这门课又不及格, 两项不及格的成绩都会计入你的平均绩点.
How can I verify that a class I take at Odessa College will transfer to another institution?
Support & Services (top)
If I need disability accommodations in or out of the classroom, who should I contact?
I am a veteran. 有人能帮我处理退伍军人事务吗?
Books (top)
- 是的,校园商店就在马刺大楼里.
- Campus Store
Wrangler Card & Parking (top)
- You can get a Wrangler Card (student ID) and parking permit once you have registered for classes and have a payment method on file. Payment methods include financial aid, scholarship, payment plan, or paid in full.
- Visit the 牧人表达 领取你的牧马人卡和停车许可证.
Branding Day (top)
- 欧亚体育的新生培训被称为品牌日. During this visit students will learn more about student activities that are offered at OC, 去参观校园, and have the opportunity to meet with their Success Coach (Advisor).
牧人综述 (top)
- 牧人综述 is Odessa College’s welcome event that kicks off the fall semester every year. Students are invited to participate in a day’s worth of activities to help them meet other students. Activities include a cook-out, inflatables, performance by the OC Dance Team, and more.
成功的动力 (top)
- 驱动成功是终极激励计划. It is OC’s way of encouraging student engagement by giving students the opportunity to win prizes for doing things that are proven to increase overall success in college. 大奖得主将获得一辆全新的福特野马.
- 成功的动力
Miscellaneous (top)
What are the differences between a certificate, associate, and bachelor’s degree?
- 证书= 1年课程
- 副学士= 2年课程(60小时)
- 学士= 4年课程(120学时)